Simplexity Analysis is a consultancy that helps you understand complex issues. We develop tools, techniques and technologies for governments, industry and NGOs to help inform and implement strategies.

We improve your understanding of technologies and complex issues by creating novel approaches to strategic analysis.

Our work provides government departments and cutting edge companies with data, information and insights that they trust and understand.  

We combine both our skills as analysts, designers and project managers to provide:

Confidence - in our evidenced and auditable assessments

Cutting Edge -  tools and prototypes that we have developed and supported to improve analysis and simulation

Creativity - creative tools and techniques to explore, generate different ideas and concepts

We value interesting project opportunities that can make a difference to our planet and believe adapting to the challenge climate change presents will be an enduring issue for our security and governance.

If you think Simplexity can help your organisation get in touch.

A selection of our previous interventions:

  • 2020 - Present | Pathfinding | Project Management

    Since 2020 we have supported the programme management and product development of Elemendar’s READ application that applies AI to improve Cyber Threat Intelligence Analysis.

  • 2020 - 2021 | Trend Forecast | Ontology based horizon scan

    In 2021 we were recommissioned a ‘Scan of Scans V2.0’ for the UK MOD. For this we produced a data driven ‘horizon scan’ that gave a consistent evidence base for potential strategic trends and issues to inform the next edition of Global Strategic Trends.

  • 2019 | Policy Advice | Strategic Gaming

    We produced an online interactive decision game that allowed UK Government Decision makers to explore a range of trends (derived from an open source crowd source delivered through Futurescaper) related to human evolution and technology.

  • 2019 | Pathfinding | Simulation, Command Streaming

    We provided analysis and project management support to Polystream (a video gaming company recently acquired by Mythical Games) for the development of its ‘command streaming’ technology and its application to Defence simulations and training.

  • 2017 - Data Extraction - Project Managment

    Since 2017 we have been part of a research group responsible for the development of systems that enable data extraction from Tabular datasets. This ongoing programme of research has considered a variety of data extraction tools and techniques and how to unify data from a range of sources in a single consistent model (derived from a 4d ontology)

  • 2017 - Trend Forecast - Policy Advice

    We participated in a RAND-led consortium to provide analysis support to a conceptual exercise modelling Russian foreign policy out to 2030.

  • 2018 - Pathfinding - Project Management

    Supported Bzygen in exploring the application of their Blockstream technology for defence application

  • 2017 - Pathfinding - Project Management

    We collaborated in the UK Defence ‘Nightworks’ partnership which finished in March 2018. In this initiative we led a mixed industry team developing a sprint schedule and technical blueprints for an 'applied toolkit' to better understand and analyse IA&O activity.

  • 2017 - Trend Forecast - Policy Advice

    We conducted a data centric analysis to help the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat better understand what the implications of an increasingly significant silver economy could be for Holland.

  • 2016 - Trend Forecast - Ontology based Horizon Scan

    Our experience in designing an ontology based horizon scan led to our first trial of this technology with our scan of scans V1.0. We developed an ontology and a network assessment of people producing valid open source intellgience. We gathered this data and undertook a key word frequency analysis of the most pertinent themes and analysise. This was then visualised and the key deductions used to inform Global Stategic Trends.

  • 2015 - Policy Advice - Ontologbased Horizon Scan

    Delivered a mixed method analysis project to better understand long term strategic trends for Africa. We built upon a taxonomic classification system that allowed open source data on trends to be gathered, visualised and assessed to provide evidence based assessments to policy makers in UK government.

  • 2015 - Trend Forecast

    We developed a data driven approach to trend analysis. This produced a forecast that bought together open source intelligence and analysed it based on a system of keyword frequency and thematic analysis. Doing this, we deduced a number of trends and potential issues for the future of healthcare. Interestingly one of the outlier observations was ‘the next pandemic may not be flu’.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please get in touch and one of our team will contact you to see how we can work together.